And just like that. We are about to welcome in a brand new year. I seriously feel like it was just a few months ago that I was looking at a blank calendar and planner and thinking about 2018. I cannot believe how fast this year flew by. In this last week of December, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here. Thank you for the encouragement and emails and comments. I am truly encouraged by you all everyday. for the past few nights, I’ve been staying up late and watching Netflix (hooray for winter break!). I’ve now watched probably 8 or 9 movies. . I won’t say how many romantic comedies I’ve watched. . but I did watch Nights in Rodanthe with Richard Gere and Diane Lane and balled my eyes out. I wont’ give the movie away and I highly recommend watching it. . but I will share this. There’s a part when Diane Lane makes a memory box and keeps really special things in it. . made me want to look back at this year and document some special things in a blog post.
Highlights from 2018
Being in the August 27, 2018 issue of PEOPLE Magazine was a thrill. I still can’t believe where this blog has taken me and the opportunities I’ve had. I am so truly thankful for each and every one of you who take the time to follow me on social media, make my recipes, write to me and give words of encouragement.
If you didn’t see and flip through this issue live, I was the mom blogger representing FOOD. I had no idea what the issue or feature would look like, what photos they would use (they had a lot to choose from) or how it would be written. I am so truly thankful to have been included in such great company. Thank you, PEOPLE Magazine.
I had done Good Morning America before. . but it took another year for me to go on the show again. Well, to be asked to be on the show. National TV, you guys. I love it. and I am hoping and praying for more national TV appearances in 2019. Fingers crossed!
Hitting over 100,000 followers on Instagram was a huge thing for me this year. It’s a big goal for a lot of food bloggers. . and it provides a vehicle and platform in which to have direct communication with you all. As much as I love and hate the time I have to spend on social media. . it’s freaking effective. It’s crazy if you think about it. Within minutes, you are able to get a message out to the world, or a recipe, or share some good news, all within the touch of a button on your iPhone: “post”.
I’m so interested to see where 2019 takes us all. My goals for 2019: more videos, cooking and chef collaborations, more local stuff in Madison and the surrounding area, maybe some cooking classes, workshops and . . . maybe even something else. I’ll keep you guys posted.
For this last week of December, it’s my goal to relax, spend time with my family and celebrate the new year to come with friends. If you know me, you know there will always be a cheese and charcuterie board involved. If you haven’t seen this video, watch it. . I hope this helps to give you some tips!
Wishing EVERYONE a fabulous end to 2018 and I can’t wait for 2019!
Congratulations to Good Morning America