Obviously, I’m a BIG believer in cooking for your own family, learning your way around your kitchen (and using your kitchen) and creating foods/recipes that you and your family will enjoy. . However, there are plenty of people out there who simply don’t have the time or, for a special occasion, want to splurge and have someone else do the cooking! Well, if you are the latter, then this post is for YOU.
When I started blogging, I never thought in a million years I would make so many new and wonderful connections through social media. Some people hate social media but I love it. I embrace it. I still DO believe in the “take a day off” here and there or even a few days off . . but I honestly couldn’t imagine what our lives would be like without social media. At any rate, through Twitter specifically I have made some fabulous connections and today, would like to help promote a local Seattle-based chef who creates organic meals for busy families and dinner parties. . . Her name is
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