My Egg Flights Have Gone Viral! From to, my little eggs are getting some traction! My first viral food trend: egg flights are hard boiled eggs that have been sliced in half, topped with mayonnaise, mustard and various toppings. Like a deviled egg but much simpler.
My first viral food trend! If you click this link you can see the thousands and thousands of people who have made egg flights. See below.
What Is An Egg Flight?
An egg flight (think beer flight) is a variety of hard boiled eggs with a variety of different toppings. Like a deviled egg but much easier to make. I always start with kewpie mayonnaise, sometimes will add mustard (yellow of Dijon mustard) and then I add toppings. Pickled vegetables, bacon, different types of cheeses, tomatoes, olives etc. If you have savory, sweet, sour, spicy, and texture and crunch, then you have the right combination for a great egg flight.
Hi Alice,
Congratulations from a fellow boiled-egg fanatic. Delighted to see your concept has gone viral!!! Over the last years I have peeled thousands of eggs demonstrating our Negg® boiled egg peeler, and nothing thrills me more than recipes that use boiled eggs.
I would be delighted to send you a peeler to try. Send me an address and I will get it off to you.
Congratulations on a job well done.
Bonnie Tyler