Hey guys! I know this is a little late for Christmas. . but hopefully the winner can use this $100 to buy something that you’ve had your eye on .. but didn’t get for Christmas!
Plus, you can ALWAYS use an extra $100, right?!!!
If I had a $100, I would spend it on the following. .
These ball stacking rings in vintage gold from Madewell. So cute, right? I’ve never really been into rings but now I am obsessed! I also love this one from Rocksbox.
These mixed vintage shallow bowls from Food52.com . . they are currently out of stock but you can request to be emailed when they get them in stock again.
And last but not least, all these mugs from Anthropologie!!!! One A, two P’s and an M.
I’m running this giveaway as just a way to say THANK YOU. Thank you for reading and visiting my little space here on the internet.
Wishing everyone the happiest of HOLIDAYS!!!! and GOOD LUCK!
$100 VISA Gift Card Giveaway!!!!
Disclosure: This giveaway is being hosted by ME! Happy Holidays!
Fabric – I’m a quilter!
Fun giveaway! I’d buy some of my favorite cookbooks.
I would buy all the food I wanted to do for Christmas…We will have food just not the things I would like to try
A juicer is what i would buy with this giftcard
put it towards some new boots
Such a great giveaway! I’d use the gift card toward a new lens :).
Thank you so much. Wishing you and your family a Happy Holiday. I would definitely by a good processor.
I would use it to buy a winter jacket.
Those shallow bowls are gorgeous! I’d use it towards some new props 🙂 I hope you have a Merry Christmas with your husband and the girls!
A new pair of glasses for my daughter
I would buy myself a new pair of weatherproof, lightweight boots to wear this winter!
With $100, I would stock up at Whole Foods.
Something for my hubby. I always feel that I don´t buy him half as much as the kids… 🙂
I’d buy some new cookbooks I’ve had my eye on!
Oh man…what would I buy? Probably some new pants for curling…or some cookies! 🙂
I would put it toward a new cell phone. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would buy some diapers and groceries, just being real….lol
Would prob get the cool tool box I have been eyeing for a while.
Thank you for the chance!
Thank you for an awesome giveaway! I think I might get myself a new wardrobe and get rid of too small clothes I have kept for years hoping I would drastically lose weight, I need to buy clothes that fit NOW! 🙂
Plus, donating clothes can help someone else.
I am going to buy my son some nice Winter clothes. He is growing to fast and I can not keep up with it! Thanks so much for such a generous giveaway!!
I’d love some new kitchen knives!
I would buy shoes.
I’d use it for groceries!
I would buy winter clothing for my kids.
Honestly…I’m horrible about buying things for myself. I’d probably go buy something for my boyfriend. He’s the love of my life & deserves more than I could ever give him. He’s a keeper for sure! Not quite sure what I’d get him, but it would be something he doesn’t necessarily need. It would be an item that means something.
I would like to get a toaster oven.
I would buy more COOKBOOKS! 🙂
Beautiful dishes!
I need to replace my sieves. Fun stuff!
I would buy a new food processor!
I’d put it towards a stand mixer. Been eyeing one for forever!
I would spend the money on a fun date night for my hubby and myself!
Happy holidays! I’d definitely buy some goodies for my kitchen! Those bowls from Food52 are gorgeous…love their vintage offerings. Happy holidays and have a great New Year!!
With $100, I would go to the store to buy all the ingredients to all the recipes I have bookmarked made by you!!
Happy holidays 🙂
I’d buy a winter coat.
I would put it towards our vegas trip in March.
I would buy….a scarf!
I’d buy my favorite Jo Malone perfume.
I would buy some clothes from anthropologie !
I would buy clothes for my kids.
I would use it to buy groceries
It’s never too late to win money! I’d put it toward our upcoming vacation. It will help pay for the rental car.
I need new winter boots, so that’s what I would use it for! 🙂 Thank you!
I would get new running shoes for the new year and replace some of the out of date spices in the cabinet. Maybe order some different kinds of chilis.
I would put this towards the new camera that I want.
I would use it to buy more gifts for my family!
I would purchase new bedding.
Something for my husband because he works so hard
I’d buy a nice meal at a restaurant.
I’ve been dying to buy a new set of flatware (gold!) but with Christmas gifts to buy, I’ve put it on the back burner. If I won, I’d be ordering a set ASAP!!
If I won, I would buy me some new pillows for my bed to sleep on, as mine are really old!
I’d put it towards a down vest. I walk most everywhere and I’m cold.
SHOES for myself!
I’d buy a new tote bag I’ve been eyeing!
Put it in my rainy day kimchi fund! Merry Christmas Alice!
If I won, I would treat my hubby to a steak dinner and movie on one of our date nights 🙂
I would love to get myself some Elemis bath products!
I would treat myself to a new outfit!
I would put it towards a new coffee maker! I’ve had my eye on a few!
I would spend it on groceries!
I would buy a new comforter (:
A foot massage and afternoon tea!
I like the way you think! 😛
I would be practical and use the money to buy groceries!
an oversized chair! I need one to read in
I would buy a new Kindle.
I would get a birthday gift for my son
I would probably buy more movies!
Some new base layer for our trip to Iceland!
I would love to say I would buy myself a new pair of earrings or something else frivolous but I would use the $100 to buy more yarn to add to my dwindling yarn pile. I knit mittens throughout the year and donate them to sharing and caring hands or people helping people here in Minneapolis.
I’d buy a new printer
I would buy a new coat.
New boots
I would put it towards a new laptop
Wow–what a generous giveaway! Thanks. If I were your lucky winner, I’d use part of the money to buy our regular groceries (I’m not working, so it would be a great way for me to feel like I’m contributing), but I’d also buy something fun for myself, like a new baking pan, something I wouldn’t otherwise treat myself to.
I would buy mom a new set of dishes if I won this one.
I would buy birthday presents for my son’s first birthday!
I would get a new jacket.
I would buy winter clothes for my sons.
I’d get a kitchen aid mixer. I’ve had my eye on it for awhile but haven’t taken the plunge. It would be so great to get one. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would use this to buy groceries or gas for our car.
Well this is awful sweet of you! I think I would totally treat myself and buy myself a few clothes. I haven’t in a while and after all I deserve it! 🙂 Happy Holidays to you and your family! <3
I’d go to Whole Foods and splurge on wine and expensive cheese 🙂
Groceries and maybe some clothes for the kids
I would buy food and baking pans.
I’m thinking about saving 100 for a cintiq tablet in the near future.
I’d like to get an Aerogarden!
Cookbooks – my wish list is quite large 🙂
Food, or towards an American Girl. doll
I would buy my son shoes.
Having 5 kids I would buy things they need which is always something
I’d buy groceries.
I would love to put it towards my vacation fund.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com
Happy holidays!!! What a great giveaway!
Thank you Zainab!!!
I would buy some tennis shoes for myself.
I would splurge on some shoes!
I would get some much needed craft supplies!
I would buy new shoes for myself and my son.
I’d use it to buy a couple of new cookbooks and New Year’s Eve decor.
I would use it to buy toys for my children and get groceries.
I’d put it towards a good set of knives.
I would get some gold earrings from Kohls. they are adorable and I don’t have a real pair.
I woudl buy a new winter coat!
I would use it on an upcoming trip to Tennessee to see my family.
I would love to have this to buy more things for around the house.
I’d use it to pay my cell phone bill.
I would buy new winter boots.
I would stock up on our frozen fish since we are running low
Oh I would love to buy a new camera with it. Mine stopped working, and I really miss it!!
I would put the $100 toward a much needed set of tires for my vehicle.
I would like to put it toward a kitchenaid mixer. I want one so bad.
If I was the lucky winner I would use this towards a Wii console.
thank you
I would use it toward a bedroom wall heater. Ours just wet out and it is really cold here!
put it towards camp for my son
I was use this to buy my son a bed. He just turned 3 and I think it’s time for his own lol
I would use it for gas!
I would buy baby clothes. 🙂
I would buy some winter clothes
I would buy some curtains. We just moved into a place that has tan walls and all of our curtains are tan so it makes it look so drab and boring. I think some new curtains would help spice up the place a little and make it more homey.
I would buy some essential oils and materials for DIY beauty!
I would use it to buy some things I need for the house like rugs, curtains, etc…
I would get a new Winter jacket!
I’d buy diapers!
If I win I would get a body scrub! My body needs some TLC!
I’d use it towards two new tires I need badly!
To be honest I would put it towards groceries probably, I got everything I wanted for Christmas 🙂
i would buy shoes!!
Food or clothes is what I would buy for 100 dollars.
My step son is getting married so this would go towards his rehersal dinner!! 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win
I would use this for groceries.
I would buy new knives or save it for vacation.
I would buy some new clothes!
I would get my kids some new winter clothes!
I would buy some new sneakers for me and my hubby!
I’ll buy some home decor.
books and clothes would be great!
I would buy new kitchen tools!
I would buy a blu-ray player.
Dog food, treats, and toys!
I’d use it for gas!
I would buy a night out for my husband and me…dinner and a movie.
I love those mugs you picked out, but my letters would be E, J, M, T, H and L. 🙂 Or, I’d go to my local Wm. Sonoma outlet and splurge. 🙂
A treat. Maybe a date for my partner and I.
I would buy more cookbooks!
I’d buy new curtains:)
I would buy stuff for my kiddos.
With the $100 Visa Gift Card, i would buy some clothing for the kids, books and groceries for the home.
I would buy a pair of boots, and some jewelry from Wrenn Jewelry!
I would buy gas
I’d treat myself to some new clothes
Some new mason jars for canning, some new clothes for work, and a really nice treat for my dog!
I would get a keyless deadbolt for my front door.
Clothes, I would buy more clothes.
If I won I’d stock up on the Thymes Frasier Fir candles for next holiday season, they smell sooo good!
I would buy a nice toaster or some cookbooks.
I would love to use it for some new sheets.
I would use it to buy my kids a few things.
I would put it towards a new winter coat
What a nice giveaway! I’d use it to buy spring clothing for my kids.
I would buy groceries because I’m super exciting like that. And maybe some picture frames.
I would go clothes shopping or save it towards my upcoming trip 🙂
I would buy a new pair of shoes!
Thanks! xoxoxo
I’d buy a Nutri Ninja that I’ve had my eye on. Thank you for the giveaway and happy new year!
a mixer
I would use it for clothes and diapers for our little one due in February!
I would buy a new vacuum.
A new coffee maker because mines just broke and I have a newborn and toddler boys! Coffee is a daily requirement.
I would buy new sheets and a bed spread.
Tortilla press!!
I would buy a birthday gift for my husband!
We have 4 family birthdays in January. I would use it for gifts and cakes.
I’m planning a little weekend getaway in Feb, so I’d use the gc for gas & hotel!