So, this week will be interesting. Here in WA, at least this is how our school district works, the elementary schools shorten the school day for an entire week (and no school on Friday) for parent/teacher conferences. How awesome is that? I mean, it’s so important to the school that the parents and teachers meet and talk and discuss goals. . and they want to meet with everyone so they cut the school day short to ensure these conference meetings can happen. Does any other school or district do this?
So, for this entire week (with the exception of Wednesday which is already an early release day all year round), my daughter, Phoebe, will get to come home and eat lunch with me. Her little sister is napping during this time so today, we had a lunch date. Just the two of us. It was quite spectacular.
I made instant udon (with added vegetables). Yup, instant. Remember I’m trying to be smarter about how I spend my time. . I don’t want all this cooking to come in the way of spending time or talking with my kids. . so instant udon today. Phoebe goes on and on about her day, what she did, who she played with, what they did in class. . how the teacher gives them jobs to do around the classroom and when they go to recess or something. Apparently, the job you want is the calendar person and not the trash picker. She went on and on about this game called Letter Blender and how much she loved it. . Phoebe now sometimes will raise her hand, at home, mostly at the dinner table and say, “I’m raising my hand. Can I talk now?” Her teacher has also taught the kids the most amazing thing. To have silence in her classroom or to get someone to stop talking, all she does is make a “C” with her hand. C= close mouth. Freakin’ brilliant.
As my daughter went on and on gabbing about this and that and asking me random questions. . I realized. . ok, this is why she doesn’t eat much at school for lunch and how wonderful this was for us to have this meal together, just the two of us.
I was reminded of times when my mom and dad friends take each of their kids out on special dates alone so they can spend time together and so the kid can feel special. I absolutely love this. This is something we did a few times with Phoebe after Madeline was born. . so she would still know- without a doubt- how much we love her. I mean, it’s freakin’ huge when a new sibling comes into the picture. Their lives, and how they know and understand it, get rocked.
Last week I was wondering what we would do to fill the time or how this week would go . . but now I’m just going to enjoy each day as it comes and enjoy three more lunch dates with Phoebe. . and pray that Madeline, like today, takes her scheduled nap and wakes up just as we are clearing the table.
[…] them (ie: Phoebe) choose. If she could, this little kid would eat corn dogs, mashed potatoes and udon noodles everyday. And sometimes, like tonight, I give them a slight variation of what my husband and I are […]