Friday Things. It’s a very interesting and sobering time right now in our country, in our world. The important thing, I think, is to remain calm but also be prepared.
Friends, readers, everyone: I feel compelled to write some thoughts today about everything that is going on in our world. Yesterday, I started out being ok and calm and then I spent some time on social media and reading the news. Honestly, I think social media is what made it worse. Seeing all the video footage of long lines at the grocery stores (all across the country!) and the completely empty grocery store shelves and freezer sections. and people fighting over toilet paper.
I shared some thoughts on Instagram stories last night and got lots of direct messages and feedback. Bottom line: I think we are all feeling the same. We’re all a little concerned and worried and don’t know exactly what to do.
A few people recommended and shared this podcast to listen to and I think this helped. Making Sense by Sam Harris (listen to both episodes #190 and #191).
- Economic Disruption: I am very worried about this. “An epidemiological threat can have disruptive effects on the economy. It can disrupt the global supply of goods, making it harder for U.S. firms to fill orders. It can also waylay workers in affected areas, reducing labor supply on one end and on the other slow the demand for U.S. products and services. Disruptions to global supply chains are one of the clearest effects of the coronavirus. Looking more closely at global supply chains, there have already been significant disruptions, with the list of manufacturers outside of China forced to decrease production in their plants growing longer every day.” Read this and this.
- We are in this for the long haul. This will not go away without a vaccine, and we don’t have one currently. You can read this and this for more. If you know anything else, please leave a comment below
- Social Distancing: probably a good idea not to go to any events where there will be large amounts of people (if there are still events in your area going on; a lot have been cancelled) like concerts or festivals. It’s also a good time to stay away from public transportation.
- This is definitely a topic that many of us feel differently about. I think many of us can agree that if you live with an elderly person, your parents, grandparents or those whose immune system is already weak or compromised, you should definitely take social distancing into consideration.
- For me, social distancing is still a very hard, and personal, decision to make and thing to grasp. Plus, there’s still a lot of uncertainty out there. Social distancing is going to cause economic disruption. If people aren’t going out to eat at restaurants, if people aren’t going to the movies for example, if people are just staying at home, it’s going to cause economic disruption. Working from home is a very real option and easy for some, not going out to eat anymore or supporting local businesses that way is another thing completely in my opinion. But everyone needs to do what is best for you individually, or as a family unit. This was written before 3/15/2020. Now, most restaurants are closing or only doing order for take out or pick up only.
- Change Our Behavior: It’s time to change our behavior if we haven’t done so already. Don’t shake hands. If you can work from home, work from home. Don’t do any unnecessary travel.
- Closing Schools: It makes absolute sense to me why schools are closing. I am able to work from home so if our schools close, we will be okay. I feel for those families where both parents or heads of the household work, what happens then? They are forced to figure out childcare. Let’s be mindful of the people we know in our community who may need help.
- Trusted Resources: The CDC and your local public health office. Read up on everything. Stay educated.
For me personally, it’s important right now to stay calm, stay on top of my family’s personal hygiene, nutrition/meals/exercise and practice smart social distancing. I feel like everything is changing every day so I’m not 100% sure what that means exactly for us but I will continue to eat out locally here just a little. I think it’s still important, if we can and if it’s important to you, to still support local businesses and restaurants if we are able by purchasing gift cards. A lot of restaurants are also offering free delivery. Anyway, there’s a ton of information to digest and think about and new information will continue to be thrown at us every day.
My brother lives in California and their schools have closed for 3 weeks. My sister lives in Minnesota and they, turns out, are on spring break next week. The schools here in PA in my county are still in session (another county right next to us closed school for 2 weeks) but we are waiting for an email update later this afternoon. It’s my guess that our schools will also be closed for two weeks. The next few weeks (and longer) will be a trying time for us all. Let’s all hang in there. Please continue to be respectful and decent towards one another.
Do you think social distancing is essential? If so, to what degree? Please leave a comment below.
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