The little one copies whatever she sees her big sister doing. It’s cute. She follows her around everywhere. A lot of times, she’s just following her, not even knowing why she’s doing it. Hiding with her sister when I say “Bath time!” or getting really excited when we’re talking just because she sees her sister getting excited. And now that she can talk, sometimes she just copies words that Phoebe says. . it’s like I’m hearing an echo. “More milk please!” . . . “Milk!”
I love watching them play together now. It’s so awesome. Not only because they are actually playing together and allowing me to get some work done, cook dinner or do the dishes but also because it’s really a joy to see them interacting with each other. Phoebe is such a sweet and loving big sister (most of the time), teaching Madeline how to do things, helping her, playing with her, helping her change into her Disney Princess dress (oh God, don’t even get me started on these things) . . but it’s seriously pretty wonderful to watch.
Insert happy mamma. Smile. Warm heart.
[…] photo was actually from a post I published in October of last year. This is still their favorite way to eat olives! Sticking them […]