So, I absolutely LOVE Trader Joe’s. Good food, good products, reasonable prices and friendly people. Trader Joe’s is my go-to grocery store for food when I am cooking. They usually have everything I need (they don’t sell funnel seeds which I needed once when I was testing out a chili recipe) and, unlike a lot of grocery stores today, they have food samples! I am such a sucker when they have samples, I always end up with whatever they are sampling in my cart.
I am going to do Product shout outs when I like something and want to recommend it. . . so here goes, here’s my first Product shout-out: mini chicken tacos from, you guessed it, Trader Joe’s. They might not be the healthiest things but they are so good! And they’re mini so if you have kids, they are perfect! Today, my husband actually pointed out that we had these in the freezer and so they made a perfect quick lunch (and snack again for my husband who polished off the rest of the box).
So, next time you are at Trader Joe’s, grab and box and try them! 🙂 Enjoy!
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